Gun Control!
What is the matter with our Congress? I ask that rhetorically of course, because if anyone really tries to answer that question we will still be discussing it in a month, and will be no closer to an answer.
So the left wing position, as I understand it, is as follows: There are too many children being killed in schools by gun toting people, mostly other kids, who are mentally disturbed, so we need gun control. What the left is offering to the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary, and others, is background checks for non-private sales, smaller capacity magazines for semi auto guns, and a ban on assault weapons. The left shows pictures of sobbing parents and sews fear in the hearts of the news following public to push their position, trying to frighten all of us with children into hating every person who owns a gun. It paints a picture of the NRA and all persons citing the 2nd Amendment as establishing rights to keep and bear arms as neo nazi redneck mountain folk who want nothing more than a resurgence of the greatness of the Slave Owning South! It is a lie! The proposed gun legislation, if it was law, would have changed nothing at Sandy Hook, or Columbine, or any other gun related massacres making the news. The hundreds of millions of gun owners in this Country manage to make it through day after day without shooting someone. My children are as safe now as they will ever be when at school.
So the right wing position, as I understand it, is as follows: Obama and his chronies, espcially that socialist in sheep's clothing Biden, are planning to raid each and every one of our homes and take away our guns, and maybe arrest us in the process and throw us in the gulag .... especially if you say anything smacking of redneckery! It is a lie. No one has, nor it seems will propose government raids to remove firearms from people's possession. It is simply creating hysteria to push a political position, garnering support through fear of something that doesn't exist .... oh wait ..... exacty like the left is doing.
I, for one am tired of it. Why don't you all put aside the bulshit rhetoric and have an intellectually honest discussion about this problem:
This is a mental health and societal issue. This is what happens when society closes mental health treatment centers, hospitals, and underfunds the rest. Nearly each and every shooter suffered from mental health issues, some treated at one point or another, and some not.
You, Congress, have thrown our mental health treatment system right out the window, and nearly each and every State has followed suit.
Really now, what did you think was going to be the result?