Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Transgender Whatsit

The Transgender Whatsit

The United States is now all agog over “transgender” issues.  A transgender person is one who supposedly identifies as the opposite sex.  For example, Bruce Jenner claims to be a woman trapped in a man’s body.  She? says she’s a transgender, and I suspect she’s probably being truthful.  Although, while she’s undergone surgery to change her appearance to a woman, she still has a penis.  And she says she still likes women.  So I guess that makes her a, what ... lesbian stuck in a man’s body?   But isn’t a man who likes to have sex with women by use of a real penis ... just a heterosexual?  I’m confused!

So anyway, ABC News reports that “our” president has now demanded that public schools allow students who supposedly identify as the opposite sex to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex, threatening to pull federal funding as a hammer.  Further, the school is not allowed to require any proof (such as a medical diagnosis, or other documentation) that the student is indeed “transgender”.    Of course that makes sense.  Why should society require any proof.  We don’t require it of people who self identify as handicapped before allowing use of handicapped services and parking spots, right?   Wait ....  Ok, I’m confused again ...

Anyway, the letter advises that if students are uncomfortable with self identified “transgender” individuals using their locker rooms or bathrooms, then the school should provide those students a separate single occupation bathroom.   The rationale is to avoid treating some students differently from other students.  Huh?       Http://abcnews.go.com/US/obama-administration-public-schools-transgender-students-access-bathrooms/story?id=39081956

Let me try to figure this out.  Lets say I have a penis (not “am a penis”, but “have a penis”).  And lets say that I either really am “transgender”, or just say I am “transgender”, or just want to hang out in the girl’s locker room using “transgender identity” as the way to avoid detention... or prison.  All are possible because the school is prohibited from asking for proof of any kind.  Indeed, the school can’t even limit it to an age bracket (no adults, for example).  So whatever goes.

I and my penis then can use the public girl’s restroom and locker room in my grade school, junior high and high school.  And the school can’t say “no,  you must use the bathroom for people with a penis”,  because then I’m being discriminated against by being treated differently than .... someone.  I’m not sure who.  Maybe I’m being treated differently from the girls.  But wait, girls don’t have penises, and I do.  Hmmm, who else has penises?  AHA - boys do!  So am I being treated differently from others with a penis?  No, I’m being treated the same as everyone who has a penis.   I’ll have to re-visit this.  Maybe I’m just tired or something and that’s why I can’t figure it out.

But anyway, I get to use the girl’s locker room and bathroom.

So lets assume that makes a whole bunch of angst ridden, coping with changing bodies and hormones, teenage, self doubting, uncertain girls feel uncomfortable.  I know this is a stretch.  I mean of all the things that could make a teenage girl feel uncomfortable, having a FUCKING MAN walk into the bathroom while she is using it is probably at the bottom of the list, right?  Well of course it is, because well adjusted accepting, non prejudiced girls are always going to be ok with that.  Otherwise they will be labeled and treated differently by their teachers and government because of their age and sex.  But isn’t that discrimination?  Dammit, now I’m getting a headache!

Ok, just for arguments sake, lets say that makes the girls nervous because they aren't well adjusted, and their terrible redneck parents raised them to discriminate against others.  Well then, “our” president says the school has to build a private, unisex bathroom for those silly nervous nellies.   That’s because of all those “transgender” people, right?  There must be so many of them that the whole country must throw long established mores regarding acceptable conduct relating to the safety of children out the window to cater to them.  Right?  That has to be the reason!  Why else would we let men into a grade school girl’s restroom?

Lets see, 0.3 percent of American adults identify themselves as being transgender.   Uh, I must have a decimal in the wrong place.  Wait, no, its actually 0.3 percent.  That is .003.  Or out of 100 people, 3/1000 of a person is transgender, per the William’s Institute.  ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_demographics_of_the_United_States.  So Idaho has a population of 1.6 million, and about 20% of that population is between the ages of 5 and 18 (school age).  https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/16#top.  This means there are 32 "transgender" students in the ENTIRE STATE!

That can’t be right.  Can it?  Thinking you’re a woman when you are really born a man isn’t a constitutionally protected class like race or religion.  Can we really be destroying some of the boundaries of moral conduct over 0.3% of the population’s self identification as a non-constitutionally protected status?  32 students?  Nooooo, I think the data is bad.  I’ll look at other sources!

“If you're in a high school of 2,000 kids, you're probably going to have somewhere between two and four trans kids in that school at any one time,” says Dr. Norman Spack, the co-director of the gender management clinic at Boston Children's Hospital ... Children can be transgender, but not all children who experiment with gender play or exhibit gender nonconforming behavior will be transgender adults. Experts say only a small fraction of young children who exhibit gender noncomforming behavior will go on to be transgender later in life. In other words, most of these children will go on to report that their sex assigned at birth aligns with their gender identity.”

Ok, so kids experiment with gender play.  Only a small fraction of those are really transgender, perhaps 2 to 4 out of 2,000.00.   Huh.  So .3% is actually about right.  Which for Idaho means about 32 students is also about right.

Why must we throw our customs, beliefs, and concepts of acceptable behavior out the window to satisfy the, lets face it, unreasonably idiotic demands of .3% of the population?   If there are the occasional gender neutral bathroom scattered around, why not have those 2 to 4 out of 2000 use them, rather than force the 2000 to use them?.   Why must we  kick the doors to our kids most private places wide open to any person willing to claim transgender status, without even requiring proof of any kind?

Why is “our” president so intent on dismantling this nation?  Can one person cause more divisiveness?

This country is fucking nuts!

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