Friday, September 17, 2010

Jets Accused of Harassment - Inez Sainz

These are photos of Inez Sainz, a sideline sports reporter for TV Azteca.   No, folks, these are not photos of Ms. Sainz on vacation, or at home ... this really is how she dresses for work.   

To summarize her story for those who don't know, Sainz recently attended a New York Jets practice to interview quarterback Sanchez.  While in the locker room, dressed in the blue jeans (or blue spray paint pants) above, Sainz tweeted that she was "dying of embarrassment" because Jets players began whistling, yelling and unfurling their tongues at her.  Sainz noticed but stated to the CBS Early Show that she decided to not pay attention.  Other members of the press however complained, and the Association for Women in Sports filed a claim on her behalf.  Although she says she was not thretened, she apparently did nothing to stop the complaint.

To recap:  Dressed in the manner shown above;   Ms. Sainz entered into a male professional football locker room after practice;  where she encountered juvenile and stupid behavior from some Jets players;  and the Association for Women in Sports filed a complaint on her behalf. 

I make no attempt in this blog to defend the Jets.  They were stupid, juvenile and wrong.  It is insane however that no one will discuss Sainz.  When discussed on the View, the panel actually took offense with percieved criticism of Sainz.  A woman should be able to dress and act as she wishes, and not be subjected to Jets type of comments and behavior. 

That is insane:  What a person chooses to put on their body, whether clothes, tattoos, piercings, gold teeth, etc., is a form of communication.  For example:  If I dressed and acted like a gangbanger covered in prison tats, I'm telling people that the gangster lifestyle appeals to me.  When the local bank doesn't hire me, is that the bank's fault?  When people on the street cross to the other side to avoid me, is that their fault?  They are just receiving the message I am sending ... I'm one bad mother with a teener of meth in one pocket and an illegal pistol in the other.  If I don't like it, I always have the option of sending a different message.

Ms. Sainz dresses and acts to deliberately draw attention to her "goodies".  She screams with her presentation "I've got lots of T & A.  Look at my T & A.".  It is unprofessinal, and demeaning to professional women in general.  Las Vegas sidewalk prostitutes wear more clothing that that. 

So the Jets, in their own locker room, get her message loud and clear.  And they respond, not like adults of course, more like twelve year old boys with stolen copy of Playboy, but they do respond and they respond in kind.

Some might say Ms. Sainz brought this on herself.  If she wans to dress like a slut, she shouldn't bitch when she is treated like a slut .... oh wait .... she isn't the one complaining.  It is the Association for Women in Sports that complained. 

Come on ladies, start policing your own!  Your killing what credibilty reporters like ESPN's Erin Andrews have built for female sports reporters.  Grow up and put on a pair of slacks! 

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