Monday, September 20, 2010

Paris Walks Again

Per The Associated Press, September 20, 2010, 

Paris Hilton pleaded guitly to misdemeanor Possession of Cocaine, and misdemeanor Obstructing an Officer, received no jail time, was placed on one year of unsupervised probation, fined $2,000.0, and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service and to complete a drug abuse program, and commit no new crimes other than traffic infractions.

She was arrested originally for felony possession of cocaine after a bindle dropped from her purse during the arrest of her boyfriend for DUI.  The cops pulled over her boyfriend after smelling a trail of pot smoke emanating from his vehicle.  She lied, and said the purse she was carrying was not hers, although most of the contents (at least the cash and credit cards in the purse) were hers.  Hence, the lying to the cops charge.

And she walks away again!

In virtually every other state, including Nevada, possession of cocaine is a felony and is prosecuted as a felony - apparently unless you are Paris Hilton.  So why does she skate again?  Perhaps it is her clean criminal record .... maybe that picture of innocence and sweetness, Paris Hilton, just made a  one time mistake.  Oh wait:

Earlier this year she was charged in South Africa for possession of marijuana after pot smoke billowed up from she and her entorage from the stands in the middle of a World Cup game.  Charges were dismissed when another member of her group took the heat, and said it was hers.

Paris doesn't deny being there, with her friends, but says it was them smoking the reefer, and not her.  Sounds familiar doesn't it?  The smell of pot billows up.  The coppers check it out.  She blames it on someone else ... only in the current case, it was the unknown lender of a handbag who was at fault. 

In 2007, she was convicted of Alcohol Involved Reckless Driving ... for anyone other than Paris that would be called DUI.   She was put on probation, ordered not to violate any laws, and among other things, to enroll in and complete alcohol treatment.  The Judge suspended her drivers license as well.

She did not enroll in treatment by the deadline given to her by the Court, and was stopped three times within the months after being convicted for driving on a suspended license.  She was warned also by at least one California Highway Patrol officer of her suspension.,,20037947,00.html

In most states, driving on a suspended license is a misdemeanor offense, punnishable by jail. 

The Court lost paitence with her repeated probation violations, and imposed 45 days in jail.  Her attorney blamed the system.  Her mother blamed the prosecutors.  The press discussed what she wore to court.  Paris, under oath, claimed it was someone else's fault, this time her rep Elliot Mintz, who she claimed told her it was o.k. to drive.  She completed the hearing by telling the Judge how much she respects the law.

Any other defendant would have been sent to complete all of the suspended jail time on the reckless driving case, been charged with new offenses for the driving without license cases, and been punnished for those offenses as well.

I don't know what is more insane ... that she gets a pass, apparently because she is Paris Hilton, or that we care.   My personal opinion about Paris Hilton?  She is an amoral spoiled rotten young woman (note the absence of the word "lady"), who makes sex tapes, violates the law, uses drugs, and draws on her celebrity status to avoid consequences.  I do not allow my children to watch anything on television involving Paris Hilton, nor do I.  She epitomizes all that is wrong with society, and nothing that is right.  I challenge any reader out there to identify one decent and honorable thing Hilton has done, which was done for truly altruistic purposes (not to get her name in the press, or not to create a public image that is untrue).

What does Paris deserve?  Two things:  1.  She deserves to be held accountable by the court system in the same manner as all others for her law violations.  Send a message, you Judges out there, to all others who pay attention to Paris ....  Do not do as she does!   2:  For the rest of us, she deserves to be ignored.  She is not worthy of public respect, or even public attention.

I'll end with this final comment:  Starting right now, I intend to treat Paris Hilton in the press the same way I would treat her if she showed up at my house asking to take my daughter out for a night on the town ....  "No, Leave, I don't want to see or hear from you again, your simple presence makes me feel like I need to take a shower".

Of course I could have her arrested for trespassing, but we all know how well that would work out.

1 comment:

  1. The eternal question is why the meeja gives so much attention to this sloot. And the Teabaggers. And Palin/O'Donnell/name-that-nutbag. Could it be because the meeja are corporate whores which like to show meaningless spectacle instead of what's really important, and they're all in on the same scam? Naaaaah, Amurikkka is the freestest country on the whole flat Earth! That could NEVER happen!

    I get so sick of being scornful. But it seems the only correct reaction...
