Monday, April 9, 2012

Trayvon Martin

To the idiot race hysteriacs:

Stop it!   Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.  It may be murder, it may be self defense, it may be somewhere in between.   Trayvon's race may have been a factor in Zimmerman's conduct, it may not have been a factor. 

You are all speculating without evidence, creating tremendous racial tension, and tearing apart the fabric of your communities. 

Stop it!

Allow police and prosecutors to do their jobs, investigate the situation, and file charges if appropriate.  I guarantee you that they know more about the actual evidence than you do.   If they are taking the time to be careful and not make mistakes, then all power to them!  That's what we want from them, isn't it?

When will we stop defining ourselves as black Americans, white Americans, asian Americans, hispanic Americans ... and start defining ourselves as Americans, who happen to be black, white, asian, hispanic, etc.?

You know, don't you, that when you jump on the half informed train of hysteria traveling at breakneck speed toward the collapsed bridge of reason, you are contributing more to racial division than those actual racist assholes out their shouting their slogans and epithets, or demanding special treatment because they happen to be one race or another?   That train will wreck sooner or later, so long as we continue to suffer from the phalacy of intransigent ignorance.

Don't help them divide us.  Do the worse thing possible to them ... marginalize and ignore them. 

As for Trayvon Martin ... how about this for perspective:  A young man, indeed a child, is dead.   Regardless of the circumstances, it is a tragedy.  As for the rest of it ...

Enough!  This shit is insane!

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